Many people come to see us at the Ledbrook Clinic after they have had their NHS limb for some time, but for those people who haven’t yet had a prosthesis and are looking for treatment, here are some FAQ’s which are asked either before people come to the clinic, or during the consultation.

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Do I pay for minor adjustments to my prosthesis?

Follow up visits and minor adjustments are free of charge for 6 months after receiving your prosthesis.

Do you have parking facilities?

We have extensive parking right outside the Clinic.

How long should my prosthesis last for?

The socket may need frequent replacement depending on residual limb changes. The prosthetic components will last for 3-5 years if serviced on a regular basis.

What types of covers are available and are some heavier than others?

There are various types of cover, which we’ll discuss in your consultation. The silicone cover, which makes your limb look realistic, is slightly heavier than other covers. Typically, this is not an issue for the vast majority of our patients. If you are an above-knee amputee, you could have a below-knee silicone cover to make it lighter.

How long will it take to get my prosthesis?

This depends on your availability for appointments and whether you decide to have a silicone cover. We can manufacture a limb without a cover in around 3 weeks.

How long will I have to wait until I can be seen?

You will normally have a consultation within one week of contacting us. Your clinician will then prepare a quotation. If you’re happy to proceed, we’ll need a signed copy of the quote and a deposit. We can then arrange a schedule of appointments starting within two to three weeks.

It’s not always possible for me attend appointment during the week. Can I attend the Clinic at evenings and weekends?

Yes, we have Clinics on Saturdays and evening appointments.

How many appointments will I need and how long will each last?

People usually need around four six to appointments. The appointments will last for around one to two hours, depending on your needs.

Do you see patients for pre-amputation appointments?

Yes, we see many patients for a pre-amputation consultation to help put their minds at ease. Patients often come with family members or friends.

Can you still give me a cost if I don’t attend a consultation?

Previous experience has proved that this is not possible. While we can provide general costs on specific components, your personal consultation allows us to assess your needs and recommend items that will be right for you. We’ll also need to know your amputation history and personal goals to recommend treatment and provide costs.

How much will my prosthesis cost?

Our pricing is competitive without compromising on quality and service. We make all our limbs to your individual requirements and will discuss these with you during your consultation.

How comfortable will my prosthesis be?

Your prosthesis socket should be comfortable. Comfort levels of the socket can vary from day to day depending on various external factors. Minor adjustments can be made for free.

How often will I have to come back for reviews?

Residuum volume and shape changes might change the fit of the socket. This will result in the necessity of either adaptations and adjustments or a completely new socket. You will be advised what to look out for at the delivery stage. Prosthetic component review dates will be scheduled if necessary.

How will I learn how to use my prosthesis?

An experienced physiotherapist in amputee rehabilitation will guide you through the process.

How long does the limb fitting process take?

Depending on your amputation level and complexity, the average process normally takes 3-4 weeks. Generally you will be seen 3-4 times in that period. The process includes: assessment, cast & measurements, fitting and delivery.

Who will I see for an assessment?

You will be assessed by the Lead Prosthetist. The assessment will be used to discuss goals, issues and your future prognosis.

When will I be able to walk after having my leg(s) amputated?

Not everyone progresses at the same pace, due to the many variances of patients and amputation levels. After intensive rehabilitation and training to use prosthesis, most patients are able to walk effectively. The rehabilitation specialist at the Ledbrook Clinic will customize your rehabilitation program, and give you a programme to follow at your home. Many patients benefit from a programme of around 6 physiotherapy sessions at the Clinic after the initial fitting of their prosthesis.

What does an artificial leg look like?

An artificial leg is usually made up of a number of components, which are assembled together by specialist prosthetic technicians. If someone has an above-knee amputation, the limb would contain:

  • A foot and foot cover
  • A knee
  • A shin tube
  • Connective components
  • A custom made socket which fits the shape of the stump
  • A liner, which goes around the stump to give additional comfort to the stump.
The components of a leg can be made of lots of different materials- structural components are often made of lightweight and strong materials such as aluminum, titanium and also carbon fibre, though other materials are also used. Liners are usually made of a silicone gel or copolymer gel.

What are Prosthetics?

Prosthetics, and more specifically artificial limb prosthetics, is principally concerned with fitting external medical devices, which replace the functionality of body parts that have either been removed or have not formed correctly.

Speak to the Ledbrook Team

If you would like to discuss any aspect of our products and services please contact Theresa, Practice Manger.

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