The Ledbrook Clinic offers the latest technologies in laminated carbon fibre orthoses for both KAFO’s and AFO’s (Ankle Foot Orthoses).
Carbon Fibre KAFOs
The carbon fibre KAFO can be fabricated with a wide range of knee joints to suit each patient’s individual needs, from bale locks to the latest electronically controlled knee joints.
Our Orthotist can design the KAFO by aligning the carbon fibre at key structural points on the orthosis. This ensures the KAFO will be extremely lightweight, whilst very durable.
- Laminated carbon fibre KAFO’s offer over a 35% weight reduction over thermoplastic KAFO’s.
- Carbon fibre devices are far more cosmetic, and can be worn underneath clothing and can easily be accommodated into footwear.
- Carbon fibre is energy storing, which means patients have to expend far less energy whilst walking in comparison to thermoplastic devices.
- Carbon fibre does not spring and has reduced deformation over time. This means the device lasts a great deal longer than equivalent thermoplastic devices.
- Laminated KAFO’s offer the possibility of a wide range of cosmetic finishes.
Sue came to the clinic as she needed a brace to stabilise her leg so she could walk safely and be independent. She had bowel cancer a few years ago and the radiotherapy she received paralysed the muscles in her leg. This made her knee unstable and gave her foot drop.
After a consultation and discussion with John Young, The Lead Orthotist for the Ledbrook Clinic, it was decided that the best treatment plan was for her to have a carbon fibre knee ankle foot orthosis (KAFO) with a lockable knee joint and a dorsi-flexion assist ankle joints to lift up her dropped foot.

To cut down on the weight, the joints were made in titanium. The KAFO stabilised her knee and corrected her foot drop. She is more stable in her walking and will see great improvements over the coming weeks.
This patient presented at the Ledbrook Clinic with a right sided Cerebral Vascular Accident (CVA).
He had been wearing a carbon fibre Ankle Foot Orthosis (AFO) which wasn’t supporting his knee. He had severe hyperextension of the knee, as can be seen in the video, and foot drop.
He was cast for a full length carbon fibre Knee Ankle Foot Orthosis (KAFO) with neuro vario free joints.
He also had a neuro ankle joint with dorsi-flexion assist.
As you can see from the video, the patient is walking extremely well for the first time, with the hyperextension corrected.
This KAFO is a work of art!