At the Ledbrook Clinic, we have seen many people with foot drop in 2023.
If you have ever suffered from foot drop, you will know the effect that it can have on your day-to-day life – even walking around can become a problem and can leave you at risk of falling. The carbon fibre ankle foot orthosis is ideal for people suffering drop foot providing you with an easier way to beat foot drop and associated problems.
The Ankle Foot Orthosis (AFO) fits comfortably in your shoes and provides you with a discreet solution to beating foot drop.
There are several situations that may necessitate the use of an AFO, such as:
- After suffering a stroke
- After a traumatic brain injury in multiple sclerosis
- Neural muscular atrophy
- Peroneal palsy
- General muscle weakness
Come to see us at the Ledbrook Clinic where you can trial the Ankle Foot Orthosis.
Patients can also trial the Turbomed at our clinics in Leeds, Solihull and Harley Street.
This is a spring-loaded ankle foot orthosis which will enable the patient to run without feeling the least disturbance. it is a true exoskeleton that attaches to any shoe, creating no chasing or discomfort. the affected limb can receive continual help without the user feeling any additional pressure.
The Turbomed is worn on the exterior of the shoe as shown below: